Everything 3D!
Utilizing the latest 3D technologies, we are able to evaluate our patients accurately in all 3 planes of space and also with optimal patient comfort.
Digital “No Goop” Impressions
The Medit Scanner is a digital impression system that eliminates the goop in your mouth. We are able to digitally scan your teeth allowing us to create a 3D image of your teeth and gums. The Medit scanner is faster, skips the step of the goop, and it simulates your potential treatment outcome. The scanning process is extremely patient friendly. During the impression, you are able to breathe as you normally would, we can pause the scan if you need a break or if you want to ask a question. After the scan is done, the Medit scanner gives a 3D model of your mouth and a simulation of the possible outcome for the end of your treatment.
3D X-Rrays
With this technology, we are able to view the jaws/skull in 3D. Most orthodontic offices only have 2D x-rays and usually have to refer you to another office to have a 3D scan completed and will usually cost significantly more money to you. We are able to offer this service at Kanas Orthodontics to provide us with much more data to better treat you, at an affordable price and the convenience of not needing to be referred to another office.
3D Printers
3D printing has been a crucial aspect of our practice.